Hey y'll. Ok, if you read Graceling, you'll love the book Fire. These two books are companions; both written by Kristin Cashore. And I have to say that the author is a spectacular writer. These two books aren't part of a series; at least I don't think so. They both are different. About different characters totally. But if you read both you will find that both of the main charaters are similar. Not a like, but similar in ways. You do not have to read Graceling before Fire. But like the author said, "You don't have to read Graceling to love Fire. But if you haven't,, you'll be dying to read it next." And when you read one of the books, you'll agree with her and me. If you want to read about Fire, keep reading this entree.
The book Fire is about a girl who has a unique ability to control minds, but she guards her power, unwilling to take the secrets of innocent people. Defaintly when she has secrets of her own. This girl though has a appearance irresistible and the beauty un-human, with her hair the color of flames. Her name is Fire and she is the last remaining human monster. Hated and adored equally.
Then a prince, Prince Brigan comes to bring her to Kings City. The royal family seeks her help to uncover the plot against the king. A long way from her home, Fire begins to realize there's more to her power than she ever imagined. Her power could save the kingdom, only if she weren't so afraid of becoming what her monster father was.
Well, I'm sorry I can't write more, but it's really hard to explain the book without copying what the author wrote and not giving the ending away or to much information. Sorry. But at least you got a little bit of what's it about. Well, if you want to know what Graceling is about, look for a new entree about it. Got to go. Keep coming to my blog site and checking out what's new or things about books, movies, ect. Tell our friends about my blog, www.amethystwater17.blogspot.com. Thanks for visiting, please come again. Over and Out.