Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hey y'll. Ok, if you read Graceling, you'll love the book Fire. These two books are companions; both written by Kristin Cashore. And I have to say that the author is a spectacular writer. These two books aren't part of a series; at least I don't think so. They both are different. About different characters totally. But if you read both you will find that both of the main charaters are similar. Not a like, but similar in ways. You do not have to read Graceling before Fire. But like the author said, "You don't have to read Graceling to love Fire. But if you haven't,, you'll be dying to read it next." And when you read one of the books, you'll agree with her and me. If you want to read about Fire, keep reading this entree.

The book Fire is about a girl who has a unique ability to control minds, but she guards her power, unwilling to take the secrets of innocent people. Defaintly when she has secrets of her own. This girl though has a appearance irresistible and the beauty un-human, with her hair the color of flames. Her name is Fire and she is the last remaining human monster. Hated and adored equally.
Then a prince, Prince Brigan comes to bring her to Kings City. The royal family seeks her help to uncover the plot against the king. A long way from her home, Fire begins to realize there's more to her power than she ever imagined. Her power could save the kingdom, only if she weren't so afraid of becoming what her monster father was.

Well, I'm sorry I can't write more, but it's really hard to explain the book without copying what the author wrote and not giving the ending away or to much information. Sorry. But at least you got a little bit of what's it about. Well, if you want to know what Graceling is about, look for a new entree about it. Got to go. Keep coming to my blog site and checking out what's new or things about books, movies, ect. Tell our friends about my blog, Thanks for visiting, please come again. Over and Out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vampire Daries, Read!

Hey y'll. I don't know about you but I read the Vampire Daries Series and thought it was a great series. Not my favorite, but still good. I know L.J. Smith wrote better books then that. I read a couple of her other books and thought they were better then Vampire Daries. But you may think different and I'm fine with that. Well, if you didn't read the series yet here is the review of the first book, "Vampire Daries-The Awakening and the Struggle.
This book is about Elena Gilbert, a girl with golden hair. She is the most popular girl in her school. Sh can have any boy she wants. Every person is crazy about her even the girls. The boys go head over heels for her and the girls look up to her. But a girl, Caroline who is suppose to be her best friend is trying to steal her popularity. And this new guy, Stefan comes to their town and Elena wants him. She'll do anything to have him. And Caroline is going for the same guy too. But this perticular guy is mysterious and a little weird and.....he has a sercret. His older brother Damon comes to visit the same town Stefan is in and he has his eyes on Elena, but for a total different reason. He wants Elena to get back at Stefan. And he also has the same sercret as Stefan. Will Elena get Stefan? will she be able to avoid Damon and his evil plan? Got to read to find out.
Here is what the back of the first book says.

Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants.

Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only on ewho can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horror that haunt his past.

Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against his Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he'd kill to possess her.

-Written by: L.J.Smith

Hope you enjoyed reading about the Vampire Daries Series first book, and hope you go out and buy the book. I would think you would like it. And to know when the next book of the Vampire Daries comes out and what's it about read my next entree, Vampire Daries, Return, Shadow Souls. Thanks for visiting my blog, Come again and tell your friends about my blog. Over and Out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Night World- Fourth Book. Check it Out.

Hey peps. I'm guessing you read my earlier entree of the Night World Series, and I know I said that I'll tell you when the fourth book comes out and what's about. Don't worry, I am. First of all, the fourth book of the Night World Series is called, Strange Fate. I don't really know how I can explain to you what the book is about. All I know is that it involves all the characters in the other books before, like Ash, Mary-Lynnette, Rashel, Keller, Quinn, Galen, Iliana, Jez, and Morgead. This book is suppost to be the book about the end of the world, the eclipse. The darkness that is coming. And that is what it is about. And Circle Daybreak is trying to save the world, the human race. But the Night People, the others think that the end of the world means a new orea for the Night People, but is that true? I'm sorry I can't tell you that much about the book, but you can visit, to read parts of Strange Fate on her web. You can also read other stuff too, like Jez and Morgead's Night Out. It's one of the things that happened before Jez ran away to her Aunt and Uncles house to live with them. To know what this is about read this: An Untold Tale about the one of the many times Jez challenged Morgead for leadership of their motorcycle-riding vampire gang. From Huntress, for lovers of love.
-By: L.J.Smith

Well, hope you liked visiting my blog, keep coming back to if you want to know what's coming out or reviews of books and maybe movies or games. And if you want me to make a post about something, just comment on one of my other posts and maybe you'll see a post of it. Thanks for coming. Tell you friends about my blog. Over and Out! <3

Night World

OK, I know you probably already read the series, Night World and views of it too, but did you ever read a view by me? I'm guessing no, right? Well, this is what I think of the series. I read the first three books of the series and.....I loved them. I have to say that the Night World Series is spectacular. But not as good as the Maximum Ride Series or the House of Night Series. Don't get me wrong, L.J. Smith is my favorite author next to P.C.Cast and her daughter Kristen. The Night World Series has vampires, witches, werewolves, and lot of soulmates. These books are about humans, vampires, werewolves and witches finding their partner. And some like it and know about it and some don't. This is called the Soulmate Princeable. A soulmate is your partner for enternity, if you didn't know that. But there's a little problem. The end of the world is coming. The darkness. Only some humans know about it and they are in Circle Day Break and the others don't seem to know what's going on at all. Only four people, wether it's a night person or human can stop this darkness that's coming.

"Four to stand between the light and shadow,
Four with blue fire, power in the blood.
Born in the year of blind Maiden's vision;
Four less one and darkness truimphs."

"One from the land of kings long forgotten;
One from the hearth which still holds the spark;
One from the Day World where two eyes are watching;
One from the twilight to be one with the dark."

-L.J. Smith (Night World Series)

These four people have to come together and stop the darkness or embrace it. Will the end of the world and human race come or will it be stopped? Read and Find Out. To find out what the fourth book of the series is and when it's coming out, read my next entree. Thanks for visiting my blog. Keep visiting to find out what books, movie, ect. are coming out and to read views of books. Come again soon. And don't forget to tell your friends about my blog, Thanks again. Over and Out!

Monday, January 11, 2010

House of Night

Fans of the House of Night Series, READ! If you loved this series, you'll love what I'm going to tell you. First of all, the next book of the series, the 7Th book, Burned is coming out April 27, 2010. I know, I know, it's a while away. But at least you know when it comes out now. So don't grunt or groan. The day the book comes out will come faster then you think. Second is that P.C Cast the author of this series and many other books and her daughter Kristen say at her website that this series is suppose to become a movie or TV series. To me that would be awesome. But that's only my opinion. I know it could ruin the series or make it better. I like books better then the movies or TV things. I think the books are more entertaining and you can picture anything that goes on in the books or what the characters look. But when you watch a movie or TV show it just ruins it. The producer ruin stuff that's important or they change and add stuff that doesn't belong.But I hope when this series is made into a movie or TV show it'll be great. I only hope they get the main character's (Zoey Redbird) tattoos right.
Well, if never read any of the House of Night books here is a summary of the first book, Marked. Maybe you'll make your parents go to the store and buy you the book.

Zoey Redbird, the main character in this novel was a normal sixteen-year old girl. She had a boyfriend named Heath and a best friend named Kayla (K).She had a mother who didn't really pay attention to her, a step-dad, named John Montgomery
she called step-loser, a brother, Kevin, and a sister who's older then her. She hated her life. Her mother did whatever John told her to do. Step-loser was big in religion. So when Zoey got marked as a fledgling vampire and had to move to the House of Night by her parents went ballistic. Her mother was scared and step-loser looked at her in disgust. They tried to forbid her to go; locked her in her room. But she found a way to get away. She went to her grandmother's house to talk to her and tell her the news, but she fell and went into a deep unconscious. Will Zoey be able to wake up and ge to the House of Night before it's to late or will she just....die.
I hoped you liked what I wrote of the book and this is another book I would recommend for teens, and tweens (pre-teens). You would not be disappionted. My friends read the books of the series that are out and they absolutley loved the series. So I would assume you should get to a book story right away and if you don't, that could be a very bad mistake. Hopefully you will follow my advise and go to a store as quickly as possible.

Well, please keep coming to my blog and I hope you tell your friends, cousin, ect. about my blog. I would be very grateful. Hope you enjoyed your time at my blog. Over and Out.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Vampire Academy

You're probably wondering what I mean about Vampire Academy. Well, Vampire Academy is a series, called Vampire Academy Novels by Richelle Mead. These books have heart breaking romance, action, like fighting, and a whole lot of friendship.
The first book of the series is Vampire Academy. This book is about two teenaged girls, Rosemarie (Rose)Hathaway and Vasilisa(Lissa)Dragomir.They decided to run away from the academy of vampires princes and princesses, the real name for them Moroi Royals, regular Moroi, and half human, half vampire people, known as Dhampirs. Dhampirs are gardians in training. Once they graduate they become gards for the royals when they gratuate.In this world there are Stigois too. They are bad people. Strigoi are people who killed someone, drained a persons blood, or got forced to drink another Strigois blood. Some people choose to become one and give up the magic or some get forced too. Lissa is one of the royals, but her mom, dad, and brother died in a car crash. So she is the only living royal to live out her family name. Rose is a dhampir and it is very rare to have a girl dhampir. She wants to graduate and become Lissa's gard, but will the school let her? In the book it says that Rose and Lissa run away from the academy for a specific reason that no one else knows. but the two girls get caught and brought back to the academy. And because they were gone two years they have to work really hard to catch up to everyone to be able to graduate the same time. But the reason why they left is a problem to them. In the end will Rose and Lissa be able to navigate their dangerous world, confront temtations of forbidden love, and never once let their gaurd down.
I read the the first three books of the series and I loovveedd it. I couldn't put any of the books down as soon as I started reading them. Oh-my-goodness. They were spetecular. I would defaintly recommend this book for teens or tweens (pre-teens). I can't wait to read the fourth book. First i have to get it. Lol. Heehee! But as soon as I get it I will not put it down, to tell you that. I already read the first chapter and I couldn't wait to get it. And to let you guys know the fifth book of the series,Vampire Academy, Spirit Bound is coming out May 18th, 2010. I know that's a long time away, but just wanted you to know.
Well, please let you friends know about my blog, And to get updates on books and other stuff keep visiting my blog. you can leave comments if you like or become a memeber too. Hope you enjoyed my blog. Over and Out.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I know, your wondering what's Shiver? Well, Shiver is a book by Maggie Stievater. This book is about a girl named Grace. Grace likes to watch the wolves in the woods behind her house. This one particular wolf who has yellow eyes is a chilling presence she can't seem to live without.
Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives. The winter, in the frozen woods with the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. The summer, being able to have a few prious months of being human, until the cold makes him shift again.
Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyes boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It has to be her wolf. The wolf with the yellow eyes. The one. But as winter gets closer, Sam must fight to stay human....or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever.
This book, my friend said is a very, very, very good book. The cover she said is beautiful, her favorite color, and mystical. It shows a little foreshadowing of it's own with the blood splatter. With that she had to actually open the book, and when she did she couldn't stop reading. She had to keep reading until it ended. She said in the book, there's amazing detail and she loved the romance. One of her favorite character is Sam. But hey, of course she's going to like him, he's a boy with strange yellow eyes. The yellow eyes just make him more mysterious. She couldn't stop thinking about him when she started reading the book. Grace though, she didn't really like all that much. She said that she was kinda bland and she liked it a whole lot better when it was Sam's prov. she was reading. The way Sam's perspective of everything around him was amazing she said. It was because of his great sight, the way he thinks, the sound he hears that normal characters wouldn't mention. The ending was amazing she said. She cried over it. When she finished explaining how much she loved the book she said ethuastically, "This book is the best book! My absolute favorite!" She's going to read it a million more times and she can't wait until the sequel, and the book after that, the book after that, etc.
So you see some parts of the book are better then others, but if you come down to it, it's an absolutly wonderful book. I even think I'm going to read it, when I finish the book I'm on. And I would like if you would do the same. It won't let you down.
Please keep visiting my blog, Thank you. And if you can please tell you friends about my blog for me that would be awesome. Thanks again for visiting my blog. (If you like to, leave comments and I might comment back)