Hey y'll. I don't know about you but I read the Vampire Daries Series and thought it was a great series. Not my favorite, but still good. I know L.J. Smith wrote better books then that. I read a couple of her other books and thought they were better then Vampire Daries. But you may think different and I'm fine with that. Well, if you didn't read the series yet here is the review of the first book, "Vampire Daries-The Awakening and the Struggle.
This book is about Elena Gilbert, a girl with golden hair. She is the most popular girl in her school. Sh can have any boy she wants. Every person is crazy about her even the girls. The boys go head over heels for her and the girls look up to her. But a girl, Caroline who is suppose to be her best friend is trying to steal her popularity. And this new guy, Stefan comes to their town and Elena wants him. She'll do anything to have him. And Caroline is going for the same guy too. But this perticular guy is mysterious and a little weird and.....he has a sercret. His older brother Damon comes to visit the same town Stefan is in and he has his eyes on Elena, but for a total different reason. He wants Elena to get back at Stefan. And he also has the same sercret as Stefan. Will Elena get Stefan? will she be able to avoid Damon and his evil plan? Got to read to find out.
Here is what the back of the first book says.
Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants.
Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only on ewho can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horror that haunt his past.
Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against his Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he'd kill to possess her.
-Written by: L.J.Smith
Hope you enjoyed reading about the Vampire Daries Series first book, and hope you go out and buy the book. I would think you would like it. And to know when the next book of the Vampire Daries comes out and what's it about read my next entree, Vampire Daries, Return, Shadow Souls. Thanks for visiting my blog, www.amethystwater17.blogspot.com. Come again and tell your friends about my blog. Over and Out.
I tried reading the first book and lost interest as soon as I read: I go and flip my hair in front of him, and he walks right passed. Not interested. And then she goes on this rant of how shes soooooo annoyed that the one guy she wants wont even look at her. And how shes sooo popular and is soooooo full of herself. Ugh. I couldnt take another word. Who cares about Elena. I think i'd be able to stick with Edward cullen better than this book. And thats alot for a Rightwing Team Jacob-ee. :P